Clan Artisan review; a gorgeously modern hamper full of delicious Scottish treats that you can have delivered straight to your door!
As a food blogger, some emails and messages can be a chore.
There are hundreds of “I CAN IMPROVE YOUR SEO” emails that end up straight in my deleted items. There are also many messages from brands who are entirely irrelevant or just trash that fly into my DMs that I really don’t want to be an ambassador for.
Thankfully, Clan Artisan turned out to be lovely both in their manner and their products!

Clan Artisan are a female-run company based in Stirling. They produce beautiful hampers filled with locally made high-quality Scottish foods from huge range of small local Scottish businesses, in pristine packaging that is whisked straight to your door.
They can provide a ready-made selection of gorgeous sweet or savoury Scottish goodies, or you can build your own hamper full of treats you love or can’t wait to try. Admittedly, I hadn’t heard of the brand until they reached out to me, but I predict great things in their future, and in the future of the small businesses they are helping to promote!
If you want to check out Clan Artisan and their hampers of Scottish goodies, click here!
Whether you enjoy confectionary, jams and spreads, cheeses, crackers and biscuits, condiments or interesting drinks, you are likely to find at least one new product to love in these Clan Artisan hampers.
Clan Artisan were kind enough to gift me a mixed sweet and savoury snack box.
In my box I received:

Isle of Arran Extra Mature Cheddar with Cracked Black Pepper
You guys are probably already aware of my love of cheese. It is almost as deep-rooted as my love for bold lipstick and cheap milk chocolate. This cheese lived up to my expectations. It was both mouth-wateringly sharp in its acidity and dreamily smooth in texture as it begins to melt on your tongue. The black pepper added an extra savouriness to it, and gave each mouthful a unique kick of warmth that worked beautifully with the flavour of the cheddar. A damn good cheese. Nothing else remains to be said.

Braw Biltong
This product BLEW MY MIND. Biltong is a dried and cured beef product that first began in South Africa. I don’t really eat beef, for both ethical and digestive reasons (let’s not get into it…) but this Biltong was so good that I devoured the whole pack while standing in my kitchen one afternoon in sheer awe. It looked like it would feel and taste like old boot leather, when in reality it was as tender and flavourful as a fresh fillet steak. Bold in meaty flavour, helped by the gentle added spices, this was a perfect savoury snack even for someone with a notorious sweet-tooth. Though it’s not my usual choice, I would definitely pick up a pack of this again, and would recommend it to any meat-lover!

Stirling Tablet
My love for this tablet knows no bounds. Stirling Tablet make tablet like yer Granny does. Sweet, buttery, crumbly and so addictively delicious. Tablet, if you’ve never had it, is a firmer and crumblier take on fudge with a much richer and unique caramelised flavour. I reviewed Stirling Tablet’s tablet on my YouTube channel last year, and would recommend the brand to anyone.

Maclean’s Highland Bakery Traditional Mini Scottish Oatcakes
You can’t go wrong with a wee oatcake. They are the ideal partner for tangy cheddar cheese, classic pate or a bowl of thick soup. These oatcakes were no different, offering a classic taste of toasted Scottish oats and a comfortingly crumbly texture. Though they weren’t anything unique or overly exciting, they are cute, tasty and always handy to have in the cupboard. Plus they are made in Scotland, so I’ll always be open to trying them!

The Wee Kitchen Company jams
Though I don’t actually eat it very often, JAM IS MY JAM. I received a Raspberry flavour and a Red Pepper & Chilli flavour in my box from Clan Artisan. The Raspberry was a classic sweet-but-sour seeded Scottish jam, fantastic on toast, scones or cakes. The real star for me was the Red Pepper & Chilli jam though. I had this with cheese, I had it with chips and I had it with some mushrooms on toast. All of those already delicious foods were made even more delicious by this sweet and spicy condiment. Like a richer and more fully flavoured sweet chilli sauce, the Red Pepper & Chilli jam is something I will definitely need to seek out in future. It’s one of those condiments, like ketchup or salad cream, that I will likely add to everything if I have some in the cupboard.
Everything I ate from this hamper was delicious, and gave me a real sense of patriotism. Scottish food isn’t just mince and tatties after all!
Clan Artisan sent me a great selection of products, mixing both traditional Scottish flavours with new and exciting products that I’d never had the pleasure of eating before. I’ll definitely look to order another box from them in future, and would thoroughly recommend that you try them out if you want to try some classic Scottish goodies or to discover some great new small businesses.
If you want to check out Clan Artisan and their hampers of Scottish goodies, click here!
Now, if you don’t mind. I’m about to devour the rest of that tablet…