Tiramisu – Desserts of the World

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Tiramisu; the world-famous Italian dessert made with layers of espresso-soaked savoiardi biscuits and sweetened mascarpone cream.

Italy. A country with roots and influence in every part of our planet. Beloved the world over for its natural beauty, its culture, and its rich history. Oh, and, of course, for its food.

No matter where you were born and raised, it’s likely you’ve at least heard of Carbonara, of Lasagna, of Pizza. Italy’s food culture is a global giant, and after living here for over a year now, I can confidently agree that it deserves such a title.

Despite the endless praise its savoury dishes receive, we can’t forget about its desserts. Gelato, in the opinion of many, stands head-and-shoulders above most other forms of ice cream. The nation’s pastries, biscuits, and sweet spreads are iconic. It’s impossible to talk about Italy, however, without talking about tiramisu.

After months of travelling via taste buds, in today’s instalment of Desserts of the World, it is finally finally time to talk tiramisu.

Layers of simplicity that are somehow gentle and bold at the same time. A dessert that’s as welcome as a sweet spoonful in winter as it is a creamy refreshment in summer. One of the few treats you’ll find just as often in someone’s mamma’s kitchen as you will in a fine dining restaurant.

Tiramisu, meaning pull-me-up or pick-me-up, is apparently less than 50 years old. Despite its youth, especially relative to other famous Italian dishes, the tiramisu is a household name just about everywhere. Traditionally made with just eggs, sugar, cheese, biscuits, coffee, and cocoa, nowadays you’ll find hundreds of variations.

The version you see before you today is (hopefully) a respectful nod to the supposed original, while also tying in my own sentiments. Some influence from my lovely Francesco’s recipe, some advice from locals, and some of my own personal preferences. This tiramisu is creamy, soft, fluffy, light, satisfying, bold, gentle. It’s everything.

Fresh, strong espresso in every bite of coffee-soaked sweet savoiardi biscuit. Fluffy mascarpone cream lightened with whole eggs and gently sweetened with sugar. A generous snow of dark cocoa powder on top. This is a dessert that packs in just enough caffeine to wake you up, while lightly and deliciously rounding off a nice meal.

It’s a bit ‘80s, it’s very home-cooking, and it’s very good. That said, I don’t think anyone was in any doubt that an Italian recipe, however modern, wouldn’t disappoint. I hope you guys love this coffee-spiked classic as much as we do.

Want to save this tiramisu for later? You can pin the image below!

To make this tiramisu, simply follow the recipe below:

BE A MAVERICK: why not add a swig of your favourite liqueur to the coffee before soaking your savoiardi?

This tiramisu will keep well in the fridge for up to 3 days, but is best enjoyed fresh!

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One Reply to “Tiramisu – Desserts of the World”

  1. Tiramisu is my boyfriend’s favourite dessert – I made this for his birthday & he loved it! I’m not a coffee fan but I tasted the mascarpone cream & it was divine. I’ll definitely be trying your double chocolate tiramisu recipe!

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