Torta Gianduia

torta gianduia
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Torta Gianduia; a dance of chocolate and hazelnut delight, with a flourless mousse-like chocolate hazelnut cake and rich ganache.

Some foodstuffs are just sexy.

I promise that isn’t just the quarantine feelings talking.

It’s something about the combination of filth and soft comfort in one mouthful. Brutishly bold but gentle enough to keep you taking bite after bite. It could be in a melting grilled cheese sandwich, a bowl of spicy noodles, a meaty pizza, whatever. In this instance, it’s in a cake.

This Torta Gianduia will bless each of your senses, and have you coming back for more.

This cake, like many flourless chocolate cakes, has this exquisite talent of being deeply rich and feather-light at the same time. You’ll revel in its strength and marvel at its delicacy.

Psst! Have you tried this Kinder Bueno Cake yet?

torta gianduia

Torta Gianduia, an effortlessly mousse-like chocolate hazelnut cake topped with an addictively smooth and rich chocolate hazelnut ganache.

But what does its name mean? Torta Gianduia is an Italian name, describing a cake made with chocolate hazelnut paste. Which it is. However, simply calling this dark beauty “a chocolate hazelnut cake” did not seem sufficient. Plus, its taste is so aligned with the unmistakable flavour of Nutella or other Ferrero treats that an Italian name is perfect.

Instead of flour, this Torta Gianduia uses toasted ground hazelnuts, this is what gives it such a bold nutty flavour. It melts together butter and dark chocolate, giving it the richness of a brownie. It incorporates whipped eggs and sugar, providing that dazzling lightness.

I was inspired by a recipe from this book!

torta gianduia

Admittedly, it is not a simple cake in the way that a Victoria Sponge is. However, using a few more bowls and taking slightly more time is a small sacrifice for the pleasure this Torta Gianduia provides. You don’t need skills, just a bit of patience.

You will need a food processor or blender for this recipe. You may need an electric whisk, unless you want to flex those biceps. You will also ideally need a loose-bottomed cake tin or a springform cake tin.

All of these products are worthwhile investments for any kitchen. Especially now that many of us are baking more due to social distancing and self-isolation!

On that note, I hope this Torta Gianduia can bring you pleasure and comfort where it may be needed. If anything, it might just help in tearing you away from Netflix for half an hour, which is definitely needed for most of us.

My best wishes to you all, I hope you are all staying safe, staying healthy, and saying indoors.

Want to save this Torta Gianduia recipe for later? Pin the image below!

torta gianduia

To make this gorgeous Torta Gianduia, simply follow the recipe below!


2 Replies to “Torta Gianduia”

  1. Zdravo. Želim da napravim ovu divnu tortu, ali mi treba jedno pojašnjenje. Na početku recepta piše da je kalup 23cm, a dole niže, u samom receptu, piše obložiti kalup 15cm. I eto, ne znam koji kalup treba da koristim. 23cm ili 15cm? Veliki pozdrav od Dragane iz Srbije

    1. Pozdrav Dragana,
      za recept ide kalup 15 cm, a kalup 23 cm ide ako poduplate smjesu

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