Ultra Thick Italian Hot Chocolate

ultra thick italian hot chocolate
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Ultra Thick Italian Hot Chocolate; a gloriously rich hot chocolate, almost thick enough to eat with a spoon, piled with melting softly whipped cream.

Hot drinks in winter are often required. Hot drinks full of chocolate in winter are utterly essential.

While I am still mopping up tears at Starbucks getting rid of that Salted Caramel Brownie Hot Chocolate, I’m still a raving hot chocolate addict at this time of year.

ultra thick italian hot chocolate

Admittedly I have already poured my feelings for hot chocolate out during this festive season in the form of my Hot Chocolate Cupcakes. However, when I was lucky enough to sip cups of a certain ludicrously indulgent drink on cold afternoons in the North of Italy, I knew that I would have to recreate it at home.

Unlike the rest of Italian cuisine which is typically very humble and wholesome, their take on hot chocolate is utterly filthy. Almost as thick as soup and heavy with cocoa. It isn’t sweet or powdery like British hot chocolate typically is, not that I would ever dare to decline a cup of the cheap stuff. Imagine almost a fudge sauce or ganache texture. Every mouthful of this Ultra Thick Italian Hot Chocolate is as satisfying as the centre of a classic chocolate fondant or an expensive truffle.

However, the secret to the texture isn’t as lavishly decadent as you might expect. You don’t need lashings of double cream or an entire sharing bar of chocolate. You simply need a wee bit of cornflour and a bit of patience.

Granted, this recipe takes 5 minutes rather than the 1 minute that you need to make the Cadbury’s instant variety. It will also require the use of a saucepan and whisk rather than just a teaspoon. I promise this tiny extra effort will be worth it.

ultra thick italian hot chocolate

I really hope you guys will give this recipe a shot, even just as a one off for Christmas Eve or for any festivity you celebrate. It’s very special, but should not be kept secret.

To make this Ultra Thick Italian Hot Chocolate, simply follow the recipe below!

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